From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Blocks: The new Blocks Libraries function (AutoCAD 2021)

Blocks: The new Blocks Libraries function (AutoCAD 2021) - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Blocks: The new Blocks Libraries function (AutoCAD 2021)

- [Narrator] Welcome to another AutoCAD tips and tricks video. Now, what we're going to be looking at in this particular video is the ability to use block libraries in AutoCAD via the blocks pallet. Now, just so you know, I am using the latest version of AutoCAD for this particular tip and trick. So just be aware of that, 'cause the blocks pallet does look slightly different in AutoCAD 2021, the latest version. We've got two drawings for you to download to follow along with this particular tips and tricks video. There is New Garden_BLOCKS.dwg, that you can see on the screen. There's also landscaping_BLOCKS here, that you can see on the screen now as well. Now you will need both of these drawings open to follow along with this particular video, but I'm going to go back now to New Garden_BLOCKS, like so. You can see in the New Garden_BLOCKS drawing it's a little gardening project. We've got some shrubs, we've got some…
