From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Selection: Working with GRIPS and grip editing in AutoCAD

Selection: Working with GRIPS and grip editing in AutoCAD - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Selection: Working with GRIPS and grip editing in AutoCAD

- [Instructor] Welcome to another Tip and Trick for AutoCAD. We're going to be looking at grips in AutoCAD in this particular Tip and Trick. And we've got a drawing for you in the library that you can use. It's called Working With GRIPS.dwg and as usual, you can download it to follow along with this Tips and Tricks video. Now, I mentioned grips. More to the point, do you know what grips are? Well, grips are these little blue things that appear when you select an object. So if I select that rectangle like that, those are grips, those little blue squares and those little blue rectangles there. And we're going to go into how they work and they can help you edit your AutoCAD drawings. Now, just be aware, if you select objects and those grips don't appear, you need to right-click and go into Options. And in your Options dialog box, in the Selection tab, you've an entire section dedicated here to grips. And if that box there…
