From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2022 Essential Training

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Create a base extrusion

Create a base extrusion

- We're now ready to dig into part modeling. And we're going to start with the extrude command. Throughout the course, you've seen me use sketch geometry and extrudes or features already. But I've kind of skimmed over any of the part feature stuff knowing that we'd get to this point in the course where we could look at each of the individual settings specifically let's get started and we can do that now. On the screen I have a blank part. If you don't have one, go ahead and open one up. And we need to begin by creating a new sketch. So we can right click in the graphics window and select new sketch. We can select the X, Y origin plane and we're ready to begin. Let's pan down into the left to give ourselves a little bit of room to work. And let's create just a simple rectangle. We can right click and select two point rectangle. This is also available under the create panel here in the ribbon bar. We'll go ahead and left…
