From the course: AWS Auto Scaling Projects: Dynamic Resource Management, Application Performance Optimization, and Resilient Cloud Architecture

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Hands-on AWS Auto Scaling labs: Summary

Hands-on AWS Auto Scaling labs: Summary

- Congratulations! You've reached the end of this course. You should now have a thorough understanding of AWS Auto Scaling and be ready to start deploying your own Auto Scaling groups in AWS. I encourage you to rewatch and redo these labs as often as needed. There's a wealth of information in the videos, and reviewing this content can help clarify some of the more complex concepts. At this point, you should be able to create an auto scaling group using either on-demand or spot instances. You should be able to configure any of the available scaling policies, associate a network load balancer with an Auto Scaling group, monitor your Auto Scaling groups, and perform updates as needed. I wish you good luck as you continue to pursue AWS knowledge, and I encourage you to check out my other video courses on this platform.
