From the course: Become a Portrait Pro: Family and Kids

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Be generous and kind

Be generous and kind

(gentle music) - As we all know, genuine generosity and kindness are what goes a really long way. And that is definitely true in family photography. So as you're looking for creative ways to grow your business, to turn your passion into profit, make sure you take some time to think about how you can be generous and kind to your clients. And you know, sometimes that can be as simple as creating something or writing a note or sending a client a print, or maybe you could get really creative and you could upload one of their images and have it turned into a puzzle, and just give it to them as a gift. And when you do something like that, what I find is that clients are so excited and they kind of are like, well, what's this for. Just, I just love this photograph. I just wanted you to have this to say thank you. It was such an honor to work with your family. Here you go. And you don't have to be over the top. Sometimes it's the simple, little things. A simple thank you note, maybe a little…
