From the course: Become a Portrait Pro: Family and Kids

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Commit to a pricing structure

Commit to a pricing structure

(light music) - I want to follow up our conversation about gear with a conversation about pricing because the two are somehow interconnected, right? Because what we spend on our gear, after we spend all this money, we then have to generate some kind of income ourselves. And let's face it, pricing is really hard. Especially when you're an amateur or an enthusiast and you're kind of ramping up, you're becoming a pro, it's really easy to second guess your pricing and to say is this too high, is it too low? And then you waffle and it just doesn't turn out very well at all and I get that. And so what I want to do in this movie is have a candid conversation about pricing and try to simplify it by suggesting that you take two steps. One has to do with insight and market research and the other one has to do with commitment. Alright, well, whenever someone says, hey Chris, what should I charge? I always have to ask questions about where they live. Because if you live in New York City, or if…
