From the course: Become a Portrait Pro: Family and Kids
Converting your passion into profit
From the course: Become a Portrait Pro: Family and Kids
Converting your passion into profit
(upbeat music) - Because photography is so rewarding and fun, it isn't very difficult to develop an interest or passion in capturing better photographs. But what is difficult is converting that passion into something more. And that's where this course can help. Hi, my name is Chris Orwig, and I am a pro photographer. I'm an author, I'm also a teacher and a dad. And I love family and kid photography. And in this course, we're going to take a look at how we can convert our interest in that topic into profit. And we'll do that by discussing some essentials. We'll talk about how we can develop our own vision, voice, and style so that our work is different than everyone else's. We'll also talk about some essentials, like gear essentials, like the workflow of an actual shoot. And we'll discuss some ideas about how you can step up your overall game. So if you've ever been interested in digging into this topic and learning more about how you can convert your own passion into profit, well, you've come to the right place. So with that in mind, let's begin.