From the course: Become a Portrait Pro: Family and Kids

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Get specific

Get specific

(bright music) - The next step that I encourage you to take in your journey to becoming a professional portrait photographer is to get specific. And I want you to get specific with five different facets of photographing family and kids. These five facets are formality, the moment, the environment, the light, and family itself. Let's start up at the top. What do I mean by all of this? I want you to get specific in regards to thinking about the type of photographs that you like to make and how you like to work in regards to formality. Are you a photographer who likes to work in a really formal way, or are you a little bit more informal? Let's say, how does this relate to posing? Do you like to actually pose and direct people and guide people, or do you like your posing to be a little bit more casual and free-flowing? Next, I want you to think about how you like to capture moments. Are you more of a journalist who likes the family to go somewhere and do something and you capture a…
