From the course: Beginning Acoustic Guitar Music Lessons

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- All right, now for bending. And basically, bending is a technique where you press up the string and it gives almost like a vocal type of effect to the guitar. It's a little tricky on such thick strings, but basically, the technique is where you press down a finger to fret a note like normal and then you press it up and often it helps to have a finger behind it. But keep holding it up against the fret board. So the entire time, don't let go. You really want to make sure the fret board is still pinning the string up against your fingers. So keep the pressure down all the way through. If you press it high enough, some of these other strings will actually go below your finger. So make sure that you're not like trying to get your finger underneath the other strings. Let's first just go over a basic half step bend in this next lick. Check it out. One, two, three, four, one. (guitar music) All right, now that lick had a very specific kind of note to it. When I bent this up. (guitar music)…
