From the course: Beginning Acoustic Guitar Music Lessons

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Eighth rests and dotted notes

Eighth rests and dotted notes

- All right, so now let's go over eighth rests, okay? Now eighth rests kind of look like a seven, in a way. But, it's the same concept as the other rest we did, so this is a duration of silence, and it lasts for half of a beat. Usually you'll see this in context of like one beat, it might be at the beginning of the beat so that you're just playing the and instead of the downbeat, okay? It's very often that way. Another thing is a dotted note. Now a dot added to any note adds one and a half the note value. So, basically, if you have like a half note, which normally gets two beats, then the dot adds one and a half of its value to it, to make three. All right? If it was a quarter note, quarter note normally gets one beat, so one and a half of that value would then be one and half beats. Let's look at some of this in context. Let's check out the next example, which uses both dots as well as eighth rests. Here we go. One, two, three, four. (guitar music)
