From the course: Beginning Acoustic Guitar Music Lessons

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Interval fingerings

Interval fingerings

- Now for fingerings for intervals. So because of the tuning of the guitar, just standard tuning, there are a lot of different ways you can play intervals and they change as you go down different string sets. So let's look at all those for right now. First of all let's go over the perfect octave which is 12 half steps apart and we'll start here at the fifth fret. You can play them two strings apart and two frets apart. (guitar note) And you can either finger pick those because their obviously on strings apart but you can either pick them like this or if you mute out the strings between you can play them like that. All right if you move down a string it's the same kind of thing here's another A to A. (guitar note) When you move down another string set the pattern changes a little bit it's two strings across but now it's over three frets. (single guitar note) and then back here at the second fret you have A to A which is also four frets apart. (guitar note) Another way to play an octave…
