From the course: Beginning Acoustic Guitar Music Lessons

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Minor blues and minor 7th chords

Minor blues and minor 7th chords

- Alright there's another kind of blues called the Minor Blues and it uses all minor chords. A famous song that uses that of course is B.B. King's The Thrill is Gone. Well let's check out how the one, four, and five chords are altered just by going to all minor chords. This is again in the key of A, this would be A minor blues, check it out. One, two, three, four. (guitar plays) Minor 7th Chords add a little bit of extra sophistication and a new color tone to the minor chords you've already learned. So let's check out how this works. Basically, you have a minor triad in the bottom and then you have a flatted seventh on top. Okay that's obviously a little tricky to play right there but it's just, root flat third and fifth. And then you add the flat seven on top. The notes are A, C, E, and G. Let's look at a more usable fingering for all of these. First of all you have your A minor seven here. (guitar strums) And then a D minor seven here. (guitar strums) And then an E minor seven here.…
