From the course: Beginning Acoustic Guitar Music Lessons

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Switching chords mid-measure

Switching chords mid-measure

- Alright, now for some new techniques. This section is going to really get in depth on coordinating your two hands, with switching chords in time and strumming, which is something that I've always seen students ask for. They really want to just sort of get a really strong understanding of rhythm. So let's focus first on switching chords mid-measure. So first we're gonna just mix up some strums. Let's go between D and G in this next example. Here we go. One, two, three, four. (guitar strumming) Alright, let's look at another technique for switching between chords. Sometimes you just switch in the middle of a phrase, and it might be on an upbeat, so it's good to practice that type of thing. When you're switching that quickly, it's good to look at the different philosophies of how to change from one chord to another. So a finger can either go to an entirely new location, new string, new fret, or it can stay on the same string, but move to a new fret, just by sliding, or the last way is…
