From the course: Beginning Acoustic Guitar Music Lessons

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The notes on the fretboard

The notes on the fretboard

- Notes on the Fretboard. So, music is a language and just like in our speaking language there is an alphabet. It goes A, B, C, D, E, F, G and then, starts over again, A, B, C, D, E, F, G. There's another concept that I wanna tell you about and that is half steps and whole steps. Now, the guitar fingerboard is entirely arranged in half steps. So, those two concepts can actually come together. So, basically from the second fret to the third fret, that's a half step. From the third fret to the fifth fret though, that's a whole step. All right. Now, those spaces between the notes, such as between A open and B second fret, well, what is that note at the first fret? Well, that is an accidental and it can basically be called two different things, either a sharp or a flat. Okay. Sharp means one fret higher and flat means one fret lower. So, if the open string is A, then one fret higher than that would be A sharp. And, then, also, similarly to that, if you have B as a second fret, one fret…
