From the course: Beginning Acoustic Guitar Music Lessons

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Thumb chords

Thumb chords

- All right. Now for thumb chords. So your guitar teacher or friends have probably told you never to bring your thumb over the top of the neck and always leave it in the back of the neck. Generally that is true. You want to support the fingers as you're fretting and not bring your thumb over. However, there are times when bringing your thumb over the neck is extremely useful, not only for muting strings. Let's say you're playing a D for instance. You might want to mute out the thickest strings. (strums guitar) So you can strum all the strings at the same time and not hear that open E string ringing out. But then sometimes, you actually can fret notes and it makes it much easier. For instance, if I'm trying to play a chord progression that goes like (strums chord) to (strums chord). Instead of that complex thing, I can just keep it down. (strums chords) Just leaving my thumb there. Okay, so let's look at a few chords that make use of this thumb over the neck technique. So one of the…
