From the course: Beginning Blues Keyboard

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Blues fills

Blues fills

- When you listen to a great instrumentalist or singer you hear a lot of space between their musical statements. Musical soloing is like speaking. You have to pause as part of your way of communicating. If you didn't ever pause when you spoke, people would have to work really hard to understand you and they would tune out. Listen to some great players and you'll see what I mean. You'll notice a bunch of space between what they play. Now in the background you might hear someone else in the band filling up that space. That's okay, as long as what they're playing punctuates and enhances what the soloist is doing. Let us give you an example. We'll play with the band and I'm going to be the guitar player and the piano player. When I play down here, this is representing what the guitar would play. And when I play up here, I'm the piano player playing behind him. One, two, three, four. (blues music) That was a type of comping where you get to use all of your favorite blues sounds: trills…
