From the course: Beginning Blues Keyboard

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Blues sounds

Blues sounds

- Now the blues scale seems pretty simple, only six notes, but we can get a lot of mileage out of those six notes. One of the ways we do this is by combining notes out of the scale to make what I call blues sounds. Let's learn some sounds from the A blues scale. First, we'll review the scale. The root is A, the flat three is C, the fourth is D, flat five is E flat, the fifth is E, and the flat seven is G. Now just as you did with the C blues scale, you can play the fingering one, two, three, four, (playing blues on piano) one, two. Cross your thumb under between the E flat and the E. (playing blues on piano) Our first blues scale sound just descends down the scale starting from the flat five. (playing blues on piano) It's flat five, four, flat three, one. (playing blues on piano) You here this played as a bunch of 16th notes sometimes. (playing blues on piano) And you can combine it with simpler melodic ideas out of your scale. (playing blues on piano) Here's another lick using the…
