From the course: BIM: Sustainable Design and Green Buildings

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Customizing Insight Solar Analysis results in Revit

Customizing Insight Solar Analysis results in Revit - Revit Tutorial

From the course: BIM: Sustainable Design and Green Buildings

Customizing Insight Solar Analysis results in Revit

- [Instructor] We've explored the two Insight solar analysis study types in Revit, which are the annual photovoltaic analysis and the custom analysis. Now I want to review customized analysis results continuing from where we left off in the previous video. But first, Insight solar analysis results are visible in 3D views only and are not saved with the Revit's file. So if want to access results after closing the model, it's suggested to set up 3D views with the preferred date and times preset. So you can quickly generate new ones once you open the Revit model. So Insight solar analysis, we Revit generate analysis results on the selected services as you can see here, and for both study types you can toggle between different visualization styles. And to do that from the 3D module here, you need to select the analysis plan. So when you select that by clicking on it, you go to the properties browser here and from here…
