From the course: BIM: Sustainable Design and Green Buildings

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Optimize the Revit model: Other factors

Optimize the Revit model: Other factors - Revit Tutorial

From the course: BIM: Sustainable Design and Green Buildings

Optimize the Revit model: Other factors

- [Instructor] We have tinkered with all the factors that are available in Autodesk Insights, and have been optimizing the construction, glazing, shading, lighting, and solar related settings for our conceptual Revit mass. In this video, we'll look at remaining advanced energy settings in Revit, like the facilities, HVAC system, and Infiltration class. And these are some insights we've gained from the previous optimization. First, the operating schedule of our building should be 24/7, being a residence, and the plug load efficiency should range between 10.76 watt per square meter and 6.46 watt per square meter. And the HVAC system should range between High Efficiency Packet System and High Efficiency Packets Terminal AC. And also, the building infiltration should range between 0.8 ACH, which is air cycles per hour and 0.4 ACH. Then, for the building orientation, we can also play around with the orientation to get…
