From the course: BIM: Sustainable Design and Green Buildings

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Overview of Insight Solar Analysis with Revit

Overview of Insight Solar Analysis with Revit - Revit Tutorial

From the course: BIM: Sustainable Design and Green Buildings

Overview of Insight Solar Analysis with Revit

- [Instructor] Insight Solar Analysis with Revit provides in contextual additional analysis results to help track solar energy during building design. In this video, we'll review the requirements for performing insight solar analysis in Revit. So start by opening the Revit model you created in chapter five or the file Revit Solar Analysis found in the Chapter Six, Exercise Files folder. So at this point, launch Revit on your PC and navigate to the Exercise Files folder. Then from the Chapter Six folder, open this file, Revit Solar Analysis, which I already have here. Before we perform the analysis, there are some requirements that you need to note. First, the Insight Solar Analysis for Revit is only supported in 2016 and above. So if you have a lower version of Revit, you need to upgrade it to make use of this feature. Secondly, the feature is only available to Autodesk subscribers and must be stored separately. So you…
