From the course: BIM: Sustainable Design and Green Buildings

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Performing Insight Solar Analysis with Revit

Performing Insight Solar Analysis with Revit - Revit Tutorial

From the course: BIM: Sustainable Design and Green Buildings

Performing Insight Solar Analysis with Revit

- [Instructor] In the previous video, we reviewed the process of performance In Solar Analysis in Revit. In this video, we'll explore the two study types which are the Annual Photovoltaic Analysis and the Custom Analysis. To start by opening the Solar Energy Model using the previous video of the file. Revit Solar Analysis in the Chapter six, Exercise Files folder. When you open the file, launch the Default 3D View and initiate the Solar Analysis plugin from the Analyze tab Energy Analysis panel. So now let's review the various study types. The first study type is the Annual Photovoltaic Analysis which is the Solar Energy Annual PV. Now this study type lets you determine the photo type, feasibility and predict your projects energy production and savings. And for this study type, most of the settings are presets. For example, the surface selection is already set to all roof exterior surfaces as the panels are often placed…
