From the course: BIM: Sustainable Design and Green Buildings

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Review of Insight cards: Shading, lighting, and solar

Review of Insight cards: Shading, lighting, and solar - Revit Tutorial

From the course: BIM: Sustainable Design and Green Buildings

Review of Insight cards: Shading, lighting, and solar

- [Instructor] We have been iterating and optimizing our projects construction and glazing related factors. In this video, we'll focus on the shedding, lighting, and solar related factors. So start by opening your Projects dashboard. When you open the dashboard you'll find a new model generated from Revit inside an un-categorized folder, which is this right here. So go back to your project folder and add the new model. Click on the add models button and select the model and click done. Next, apply the construction and glazing scenario you created earlier from the scenarios drop down. Then click the new model you just added to open it. Now scroll down to the window shades cards, which you find here for the various directions. For each of them adjust them to one sixth window height for all the directions. So when you click on this, you see various options. Adjust them to one sixth window height. Of course, this might differ…
