From the course: Building Connection and Engagement in Virtual Teams
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Set your team on a mission
From the course: Building Connection and Engagement in Virtual Teams
Set your team on a mission
- I've noticed something when I work with teams going through change. It's a side effect of the process that I think you'll want to know about. Teams who really get stuck in and really own the rebuilding of their experience always enjoy a boost to team connection and engagement on the side. The reason for this is simple. A team-led change initiative brings people together who may not otherwise have connected day to day over a shared mission that is meaningful to them. So let me ask you, is there something you're grappling with that you could hand over to the team to solve? Even if it's not a change goal per se, asking the team to work together on something that will improve their mutual experience at work will have a huge impact on their sense of connection and belonging on the team. If you're thinking big, you could direct them to my course on culture change. All the steps are there to manage change within a team. But…
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