From the course: Building in Azure AI Studio

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Azure AI hubs

Azure AI hubs

- [Presenter] How can we essentially manage projects, resources, and settings in Azure AI Studio? We can use Azure AI Hubs. In Azure AI Studio, an Azure AI Hub provides a working environment for us to build AI applications. Within the hub, we can have many Azure AI projects and these projects can share the settings of model deployments, service connections, compute instances, users and content filters. For example, we can use Azure AI Hub to connect resources such as Azure AI Services like Azure Open AI and Azure AI Search. Azure resources, like Storage, Key Vault, Application Insights and Log Analytics workspace. There are two ways to create an Azure AI Hub. We can use Azure AI Studio's management function or if we need more control of dependent resources, we can use Azure Portal. Now let's do a quick demo. Here's my Azure AI studio, to create a hub on the management, I will click All hubs, then click New hub. Give a hub name, for example, "aihub-demo." Select my Azure subscription…
