From the course: Building in Azure AI Studio

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Create content filters

Create content filters

- [Narrator] Let's talk about creating content filters. As we already know, prompting is the primary method for interacting with Generative AI models. A user sends a prompt to an AI model, then the model will generate a response and send it back. To ensure content safety, we will create content filters. Basically, we can have an input filter to check user prompts and an output filter to check model completions. Content filters are crucial for implementing responsible AI, as they detect and prevent harmful content. Let's see how to create content filters in Azure AI Studio. In the left menu of my AI project, click Content filters. Click Create content filter. Give a name. Select the connection to our AI service. Click Next. We can set up an input filter for user prompts. I can adjust the threshold for content categories, including violent, hate, sexual, and self-harm. For security, I can enable prompt shields for jailbreak attacks. It can detect attempts to make the model bypass…
