From the course: Building in Azure AI Studio

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Deploy your AI application

Deploy your AI application

- Let's look at how to deploy your AI application in Azure AI Studio. After building my AI chatbot in the playground, I can deploy it to a web app. Enter a web app name. Choose my demo subscription and resource group. Select the location, West US. Select a pricing plan. For the demo, I will use the basic (B1). For the demo, I don't need to enable chat history in the web app. Click deploy. It shows a message. Deploying the web app takes a few minutes. Because the web app uses Microsoft Entry ID as the identity provider by default, it may take a while to activate the authentication. I can also view the status on the deployments tab. Click App deployments. I can see the deployment status is now succeeded. Click the web app name. Accept the requested permissions. I can see a demo website with my chatbot enabled. Let's type a question. "Find California tour packages priced under $200." It shows the match the packages. It also includes a reference to our document. I can click share to share…
