From the course: Building Secure and Trustworthy LLMs Using NVIDIA Guardrails

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Defining conversational boundaries

Defining conversational boundaries

- [Instructor] Let's explore how to use Colang to create foundational guidelines that ensure safe and respectful dialogues. We'll understand how to set up conversational boundaries to keep interactions ethical, ensuring user trust in AI systems. So let's get started. First, let's take a look at what Colang exactly is. At the core of Nvidia guardrails. Colang is a specialized language for creating dialogue flows and safety guardrails. It's simpler and more flexible than a traditional programming language. And here's a straightforward example where you can see how you can define user greetings, bot responses, and a simple dialogue flow. This script shows how Colang structures interactions to maintain clear and respectful communication. In Colang, conversations are modeled through messages and flows. Messages are exchanges between user and bot, represented by canonical forms and utterances. Flows define the sequence of these messages. For instance, the greeting flow ensures the bot…
