From the course: Building Secure and Trustworthy LLMs Using NVIDIA Guardrails

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Exercise files and setting up your environment

Exercise files and setting up your environment

- [Instructor] Before we dive deeper into the world of Nvidia guardrails, let's set up your environment so that you have everything you need to do this course. First, let's visit the course's GitHub repository where if you look at the branches, you'll see that there's branches corresponding to different lessons. Let's head on over to the first one. Within the branch you'll see an SRC folder. This folder contains all the code you need for this lesson. Once within the folder, download all the files within the folder. So let's head on over to the notebook and then download the notebook. Once the notebook has been downloaded, we also need to set up our OpenAI API Key. To do so, head on over to and then create a new API key from the dashboard. Let's name it LinkedIn Learning. Once you obtain the key, make sure you copy it because we will need this throughout the course. Finally, let's head on over to Google Collab, Google Collab is an excellent environment for us to do…
