From the course: Business Leadership, Social Change, and Movements

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Identify the impact of social movements on your business

Identify the impact of social movements on your business

From the course: Business Leadership, Social Change, and Movements

Identify the impact of social movements on your business

- Movements matter now as much as they ever have. Just think of some of the movements that have captured headlines recently. Some are global, many are national, others local. Some are well-known, and others are more niche. With so many movements impacting the United States and the globe, and new ones springing up, it can be hard to know which to focus on. Which movements will have a direct impact on your business? How do you know which movements to engage with, which ones you could help, and which ones may be less relevant to your work? And looking ahead, how do you know which movements might be coming in the future that your business should prepare for? Before I answer those questions, it's important to take a step back and recognize that a few megatrends have created conditions, making this a very ripe time for movements. Given the rise and ubiquity of digital technology and social media networks, it's never been…
