From the course: Canva Essential Training

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Change the layer order of objects

Change the layer order of objects - Canva Tutorial

From the course: Canva Essential Training

Change the layer order of objects

- [Instructor] I now have a Canva design with several elements on it, and in this video we'll talk about working with the layer order because there is a challenge that you might experience at this point. For example, I want to move the shape graphic behind my text, so I'll click on it to select it, but that did not select the shape. It selected the text box, and if I move that, I'm moving that text box. That's because elements in a design are stacked on top of each other, like sheets of paper. This text box is one big rectangle. Even though most of it is transparent, it's still a big rectangle object over top of that shape. And depending on your design, sometimes it can be hard to select something when another object is on top of it. I'm going to click over here just to reset. Now before we change the layer order, there are a few tricks to help you select what you want. Before you click on something, just move your…
