From the course: Carter Beauford: Under the Table and Drumming

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- The song number 41 was something that, came from the staying days, the police, that whole, Stuart Copeland kind of groove thing, I was well, first of all, when Dave came up with that rhythm on his guitar and the chords on the guitar, the first thing that came to mind was the police staying, and immediately I went into Stuart Copeland mode, on that song. And that's what also inspired the reggae portion in that song. In my eyes, I don't know what the other guys were thinking at the time, but this is where I was coming from with that. So I was thinking Stewart Copeland the whole time, and it happens with a lot of the songs we do. Dave will say, "Carter to check this out," and he'll play something and I'll say to him, "wow, that reminds me of James Taylor, or wow that reminds me of Paul Simon or wow that reminds me of staying or this or that" and that doesn't happen all the time, but a large…
