From the course: Carter Beauford: Under the Table and Drumming

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- For a number of years I've been playing what is known as timpani grip or match grip or French style grip or what I refer to as African grip. When I play straight ahead gigs, or straight ahead jobs, I go back to my traditional style of playing with, sometimes I'll put my snare drum and high hat back on the right side and there are times when I leave it on the left, it just depends on how I feel that particular night when I'm doing the gig. But more than likely I'm going to use the traditional style grip either side, so with my ride on my left side and my high hat and snare on my left side I'm going to use the traditional style grip, and when I have my snare and high hat on the right side, it's going to be just the same traditional grip. Single stroke rolls have been the focus of my playing for all of my career, actually. It's something that I've grasped hold of when I saw Buddy Rich for the first time in my life. I was…
