From the course: Cert Prep: Adobe Certified Professional - Photoshop

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Nondestructive editing

Nondestructive editing

- [Instructor] Knowing how to work non-destructively in Photoshop is an essential skill and one that you need to know about for the ACP exam. Working non-destructively gives you all kinds of flexibility to make adjustments to an image at any time and the freedom to experiment knowing that you can always undo the changes you make. So in this movie, we'll look at some ways of working non-destructively with smart filters, smart objects, and adjustment layers. In our exercise file, let's start by applying some non-destructive filters to this image to make some creative effects. I'll go to the Filter menu and choose Convert for Smart Filters. I get a dialog box telling me that this layer will be converted into a smart object, that's okay. Now, smart objects are a key tool for working non-destructively and there are two types of smart objects: embedded and linked. I can tell here that I have an embedded smart object by looking at the Layer thumbnail, which has a little square embedded in a…
