From the course: Cert Prep: ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity (CC)

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Network security for smart devices

Network security for smart devices

- [Instructor] One way that you can ensure control diversity and redundancy for embedded systems is placing them within a secure network environment that's designed to protect smart devices from attack and protect other systems on the network from compromised smart devices. This tried and true technique is known as network segmentation. Network segmentation simply places un-trusted devices on a network of their own where they have no access to trusted systems. In the context of embedded devices it might look something like this. We have our standard corporate wired and wireless networks that have laptops, desktops, and servers connected to them. And then a separate network hanging off the firewall that contains embedded devices used to control an industrial process. Now, does this look similar to anything you've already seen in your study of cyber security? Well, if it looks like a firewall DMZ there's a good reason for…
