From the course: Cert Prep: ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity (CC)

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Port scanners

Port scanners

- [Instructor] Testing systems for security issues is one of the most important tasks performed by security professionals, but it can be very tedious. Security analysts have to test for vulnerabilities because if they don't attackers will. You're much better off if you discover an issue and correct it than if an attacker discovers it and exploits it. Fortunately, vulnerability assessment tools automate the process of vulnerability scanning. There are three major categories of these tools: port scanners, which simply probe a system for open network ports, vulnerability scanners, which check those ports for known vulnerabilities, and application scanners that probe deep into web applications to detect flaws. Port scanners are the equivalent of rattling all of the doorknobs on a server looking for unlocked doors. They check all of the possible 65,535 network ports on a server to see which ones might be open. The most popular…
