From the course: Cert Prep: ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity (CC)

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The data lifecycle

The data lifecycle

- [Instructor] The data life cycle is a useful way to understand the process that data goes through within an organization. It covers everything from the time that data is first created until it's eventually destroyed. You can think of the life cycle as a way of viewing the data journey, from cradle to grave. In the first stage of the life cycle, create, the organization generates new data, either in a on-premises system or in the cloud. The create stage also includes modifications to existing data. From there, the second stage of the life cycle is store. In this stage, the organization places the data into one or more storage systems. Again, these storage systems may be either on premises or with a cloud service provider. The next stage, use, is where the active use of data occurs. Users and systems view and process data in this stage. In the fourth stage, share, data is made available to others through one or more sharing…
