From the course: Cert Prep: PowerPoint Associate - Microsoft Office Specialist for Microsoft 365 Apps

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Preserve presentation content

Preserve presentation content

- [Instructor] While working with media and fonts, you may need to preserve this content for easier access and to have smaller file sizes. We'll start with compressing media. For this, we need to go to the File tab. And then from the backstage area, let's make sure we go to the Info area. And then over here, we'll select Compress Media. Notice there's three choices. We can either compress this to Full HD, which is 1080p, HD, which is seven 720p, or standard, which is 480p. The further you back this down, the smaller the file size will be, the more compression that is happening with this. It also gives you an idea of when this quality will work best, so Full HD to save some space, HD if it's going to be streamed over the internet, and standard if you're going to be sending it by email. Now let's go ahead and select HD. Here's the compressed media. We get a green bar at the bottom that shows the progress. We also get a…
