From the course: Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Cert Prep (2022): 1 Information Security Governance

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Budget monitoring and reporting

Budget monitoring and reporting

- [Instructor] Budget planning is typically an annual chore that follows a very well-defined cycle. However, a security manager's budget responsibility doesn't end once the planning cycle concludes. In fact, the work has only just begun. During the course of the year, security managers must monitor their budgets and track expenses to ensure that they finish the year within expectations. Clearly, it's a bad idea to exceed your budget. You might be spending money that doesn't exist and, at the very least, you're going to wind up in hot water with your boss. Security managers should keep close tabs on their budgets and make sure that they don't finish the year in the red with a budget shortfall. Unexpected expenses do arise during the course of many years. You may not be able to predict what unexpected expenses will come up, but it's a fairly safe bet that something you didn't expect will surface. Managers can compensate…
