From the course: Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Cert Prep (2022): 1 Information Security Governance

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Leveraging industry standards

Leveraging industry standards

- [Instructor] Security standards may contain hundreds or even thousands of individual settings that experts recommend to improve system security. While these settings are important, most organizations simply don't have the resources or expertise to develop their own standards from scratch. Fortunately, vendors and third-party security organizations develop and create industry standards that serve as a starting point for enterprise security efforts. One of the most common sources of security standards are the vendors who create devices, applications, and operating systems. After all, they know their products better than anyone else and they have a vested interest in helping you operate those products securely. If you have a security breach, it not only jeopardizes your organization but also reflects poorly upon the products that you use. Here's an example of the security standards offered by Microsoft. The Microsoft…
