From the course: Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Cert Prep (2022): 1 Information Security Governance

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Privileged access management

Privileged access management

- [Instructor] Privileged accounts belonging to system engineers, application administrators, and other users in sensitive roles require special protections. Privileged access management solutions put special controls in place to secure these accounts and monitor the activity of privileged users. Let's talk about a few of the common components found in privileged access management solutions. Privileged access managers provide password vaulting capabilities. Password vaults are secure encrypted repositories that store the passwords used to access sensitive accounts. The idea behind password vaults is that nobody knows the actual passwords for these privileged accounts. The passwords are created automatically by the password vault and when a user needs to log into a privileged account, they log into the password vault and then the password vault logs into the target system. This maintains the security of the privileged…
