From the course: Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Cert Prep (2022): 1 Information Security Governance

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Security governance frameworks

Security governance frameworks

- [Instructor] We don't need to start from scratch when we're designing information security governance practices. We can draw upon the experience of others and adopt best practices for information security governance from other organizations. ISACA is an international professional organization for IT governance activities. They're the sponsors of the Certified Information Security Manager and Certified Information Systems Auditor certification programs, and they also serve as thought leaders in the world of IT governance. ISACA publishes a document called, "Control Objectives for Information Technology," or COBIT. COBIT includes a comprehensive IT governance framework that may be adapted for use in any organization. Here's a look at COBIT's model for the governance of enterprise IT. There are 40 process areas listed here. You won't need to know all of these for the exam, but there are a few in particular that should…
