From the course: Chief Technology Officer Career Guide

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Being proactive

Being proactive

- [Narrator] Being proactive is the number one habit in Stephen R. Covey's famous book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and nowhere is this more important than in technology management. As a personal trait, proactivity is the act of taking ownership of your life, your actions, and your sphere of work. Reactivity is the process of waiting for things to happen, relying on other people and circumstances for direction. Probably, one of the key traits of reactivity is casting blame. Be on the look out for this from yourself and from your team. This isn't to say when things go wrong it isn't someone's fault, but in reactive environments, people quickly go to blame. Instead, take ownership of everything in your sphere. When things go wrong, instead of looking to blame, look for the solution. Encourage your team to do the same. Smart managers respond to market inflections, data, and customers. Responding is different than reacting. The difference is disconnecting the response from…
