From the course: Chief Technology Officer Career Guide

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Buy vs. build

Buy vs. build

- [Instructor] As the leader of your company's technology, you will likely need to make the big decision of when to buy off the shelf for SaaS tools and when to build your own. This might be software you'll be using internally to manage customers, for example, or this might be something that is integrated with your core software product. Either way, this is a difficult decision that could radically affect your team and output. Ultimately, this question will force you to visit the core focus of your in-house technology. Deciding to build something internally could greatly enhance your product or your company's productivity around that product, but it could also detract from building things that are truly differentiators in the marketplace or end up being wasted time. The first question to ask is what is the problem you're trying to solve? Is this something that has already been solved for? For example, integrating analytics…
