From the course: Chief Technology Officer Career Guide

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Growing and scaling

Growing and scaling

- [Narrator] The role of CTO will change as a company grows. In this movie, we're going to discuss what the CTO role will look like at companies of different sizes and what you will need to do to transition at each point. First, I should note that there's a lot of variation from company to company on the role of the CTO. Some CTOs are product visionaries. Others focus more on infrastructure. Some are more externally facing. It really depends on the business, the CEO and the skills of the CTO. That said, here's a break down of what it might look like at different levels. There's really only one element that will dictate growth and role change for the CTO and that's the size of your team. There are basically four different levels. Early startups, pre or post-seed and small companies will have three or fewer people in technology and development. At this phase, you will be wearing a lot of hats almost always including programmer. The main challenge at this level is to stay proactive and…
