From the course: Chief Technology Officer Career Guide

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Minimum viable product

Minimum viable product

- Often as CTO, especially in the startup world, you're first task will be to create the MVP, or Minimum Viable Product. The idea is to create a product for the marketplace with a minimum number of features necessary to test your audience. The concept of MVP is from the Lean Startup methodology. The idea is to test the market before you spend a ton of engineering and design time building. Like a lot of concepts in this course, how you approach this will be completely different depending on the size of company. At a very small startup, you'll likely be trying to find a project market fit for your first product. This means it's critical that you build as little as possible until you find exactly what the market is looking for. As companies grow, you'll have the opportunity to build out a bit more of the product. But keep in mind the concept of the MVP, not to build too much until you know you'll have users. To determine what features you need, first determine your Product Hypothesis…
