From the course: Climate Justice and Sustainable Business Practices

Narrowing heath disparities through clean energy

From the course: Climate Justice and Sustainable Business Practices

Narrowing heath disparities through clean energy

- In this video we'll explore how the transition to clean energy can help narrow health disparities in underserved communities and why it's important for businesses to prioritize environmental justice initiatives. Let's take a look at a stark example, Cancer Alley. This 85-mile stretch of land along the Mississippi River in Louisiana is home to over 200 petrochemical plants and refineries, accounting for 25% of the nation's petrochemical production. The predominantly African American residents of this region face a cancer risk rate 50 times the national average due to the high levels of air pollution. Let that sink in. This is just one example of how underserved communities often bear a disproportionate burden of environmental pollution and its associated health risk, including respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular diseases, and certain types of cancer. The transition to clean energy offers hope. By reducing reliance on fossil fuels and embracing renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and geothermal power, we can significantly reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. This improvement in air quality can profoundly impact public health, particularly in underserved areas near power plants, industrial facilities, or heavily trafficked roads. So what can businesses do to help support this transition and promote environmental justice? Well, first and foremost, they can prioritize clean energy solutions in their own operations, such as investing in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and green transportation. They can also support community-led initiatives that promote clean energy access and affordability in underserved areas. However, the benefits for businesses go way beyond just doing the right thing. Companies prioritizing environmental justice can see improved employee health, increased productivity, and reduced health insurance costs. Businesses can attract and retain top talent and build more resilient relationships with their stakeholders by creating healthier communities and promoting equitable access to clean air and water. In short, the transition to clean energy is an environmental imperative and a powerful tool for advancing health equity and social justice.
