From the course: Cloud Governance Concepts: Tools and Requirements

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Challenge:  Launching a governance plan used at town hall

Challenge: Launching a governance plan used at town hall

From the course: Cloud Governance Concepts: Tools and Requirements

Challenge: Launching a governance plan used at town hall

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Your local town hall, which has just deployed a cloud solution, understands that it also needs a cloud governance plan. You've been asked to help. They have an AWS deployment with a few databases on their cloud instance. They have asked you to create a cloud governance plan, or at least provide the major concepts that need to be covered to create a plan. So what would you tell them as some basic guidance? Again, you don't need to write anything down. In this exercise, you only need to consider what we've covered so far, and apply that to this challenge. We'll go over the solution in the next video together.
