From the course: Cloud Governance Concepts: Tools and Requirements

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Cloud security and governance

Cloud security and governance

- [Instructor] So what does cloud governance have to do with cloud security? Well, they have a symbiotic relationship. Each concept benefits from the other. Good cloud security can leverage cloud governance using the insights that governance provides to spot security issues. For example, the ability to see that the storage resource usage has spiked could indicate an attack that is just ramping up. The security system can then take action. Another example would be users who may consistently operate to the limits or behave in other suspicious ways, which could indicate that they are fraudulent users who need to be kicked off the system as soon as possible. Again, it may be a good idea for you to do a deeper dive into cloud security as well. Check out this course if that interests you. For now, it's okay just to comprehend that cloud security and cloud governance are linked concepts.
