From the course: Cloud Governance Concepts: Tools and Requirements

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Cloud service/API governance

Cloud service/API governance

- [Instructor] Cloud services are small functions you can leverage that carry out specific actions. These actions include updating a database with customer information, removing an object from an object storage system, or pushing data from one cloud processor to another to name a few. Thus, these are governance at the micro level, whereas resource governance is governance at the macro level. One deals with course-grained resources, such as storage, and the other with fine-grained resources, such as a specific storage API or cloud service. One deals with functions in the cloud in the wide, and the other deals with the cloud in the narrow. API stands for Application Programming Interface. APIs are small interfaces that carry out specific or narrowly tactical functions for an application. Cloud services, such as a specific storage service, are examples of APIs, and thus I'll use the terms interchangeably here. So cloud service governance is best described as putting limits and rules in…
