From the course: Cloud Governance Concepts: Tools and Requirements

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Finding the right cloud governance tools

Finding the right cloud governance tools

- [Instructor] Selecting the correct cloud governance tool leads to a successful outcome to meet your business' requirements, so, here is some helpful guidance on how to pick the right cloud governance tools. First, quickly narrow your focus to three or four tools, meaning that you're not testing every tool out there, but a select few to meet your basic requirements. You would do this for each type of tool, including resources, services, costs, compliance, et cetera. You should pick each tool independently of the other, considering they each have unique requirements. However, you also need to think about working and playing well together. Ensure that the tool provider is a solid player. This means that each has a good reputation for supporting its customers, and is not in danger of going out of business or being acquired by another company who may not be compatible with the tool's objectives. You can never be 100% sure. Strive to select the best partner for your organization. Do your…
